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New Feature: Channels!

New Feature: Channels! on Pornhub

By Pornhub | July 12, 2022 | 1

We've added a new way to browse your favorite content partners and discover new ones! Check out the Channels page on the video drop down list!

On the Channels page you'll be able to browse by Most Popular, Trending, Most Recent and A-Z. You can also see each channels rank in the corner of the box. If you're looking for something specific, use the search in the top right corner!

When you are visiting a Content Partner's profile you'll now see the channel at the top of the featured tab. Here you can see all this partner's sub sites sorted by rank!

Clicking on any of the channels will take you to their channel page. Here you can see the channel's rank, how many videos that sub-site has, as well as a short description about that channel. On the right side of the page you'll also have that channel's 'Top Rated Videos', 'Most Recent Videos' and 'Most Viewed Videos.' The 'Play All Videos' button will turn this list into a playlist for your viewing pleasure. From this page you can also subscribe to an individual channel. If you've subscribed to a content partner you are automatically subscribed to all channels that they have.

On the left side of the page you'll also see a 'View All' link which will take you to the channels tab on that content partner's profile.

On the channels tab you'll have a list of all channels by that content partner with the option to view playlists for each sub-site sorted by Top Rated. Let me know which channels are your favorite in the comments section!
